I have been living in Windows 64 for most of this year.  Between the Release Candidates and the final ‘Gold’ edition, beta and release drivers, and a very good mix of hardware, almost everything I want is working.  My biggest complaint is the lack of ‘Desktop’ integrations.  I know that there is a hack to use the 32-bit desktop to geth the 32-bit integration, but I want 64-bit, darn it!  The biggest thing missing is Windows Desktop Search.  I use this program at work, and I could not live without it anymore.  I have to do a LOT of searching through text files, code, and email to find things, and it’s unbelievable how good it is.  But I cannot run it at home!  I don’t have to search though much at home, but it would be nice.
As an aside, why is it so hard to write for the XP 64 desktop?  Only Winrar has integrated their menus with the 64 desktop, and even Microsoft has had a problem with both Search and Windows Media player.  What gives?

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