Oops, I did it again…

Every time I try to get some traction with my writing / blogging / thought outpouring, I get interrupted. Or, I feel like there’s no ‘reward’ for writing. Or one of a million things just seems to be more important. Every day I seem to read less and less, and watch more and more in videos. Books seem harder and harder to read, and certainly don’t get their point across as easily. As soon as my learning sites include full transcripts of their classes, I almost feel like books become mainly reference material instead of learning material.

A friend of mine has encouraged me to do video log, and I certainly have the equipment to do it (much more than even some of the super successful people out there), but finding the time and inclination are tough. Still, I think that it might be an idea, because so much has happened in the last couple of years. Yes, I hope to blog at least some, especially my experiences at being an Apple Junkie with a Microsoft .NET addiction, lol, and what it takes to actually make a successful development environment.

More content to come!